A hard caning takes commitment and should not be undertaken unless you have experience and resolve. I am proud of my ability with the cane and have dedicated many hours and subs to learning the art. You will need to be in the right space to accept what a hard or judicial caning involves. I offer hard caning London along with other CP and BDSM activities. My reputation is second to none and I will take you through the experience.

Real Crimes or Fantasy?
For those wishing to wipe the slate clean for real misdemeanours a hard caning or an official judicial caning can offer catharsis. For those who have severe CP as a fantasy, the reality is different and should only be asked for if you have built up your resolve over a number of sessions with a professional Dominatrix.
Prepare Yourself
If you have built up your tolerance and you have the resolve then be prepared to be fully naked. I prefer this (but if you have to wear something on your upper body I do allow this) as it shows contrition and acceptance as a true submissive.

You will inform me of the misdemeanours you wish to atone for and I will set a limit. I have had subs who can take 100 plus strokes of a heavy cane. Remember that you will need to rest and let your buttocks heal for some time after the event.
You will be clean and you will be contrite. You will accept my sentence with humility then you will strip (to the agreed level) and place yourself over my flogging bench.
The Flogging Bench
This bench was custom made for my chambers. It is padded for the comfort of the sub and is fitted with multiple straps. A hard caning should always be applied while the sub is restrained. The straps will be pulled tight around your ankles and upper thighs, then across your waist, your back till finally your wrists are secured.
I prefer not to gag someone who is undergoing such severe treatment but if you wish a gag, blindfold or hood can be used.

Judicial Caning Points to Remember
If you wish I can read out a statement (you supply) outlining why you are being punished and the sentence that has been given.
You will be compliant.
You will be brave.
You will not make excessive noise
A Judicial or any form of severe punishment is usually given without spanking to warm you up, in other words this is a cold caning.
I will choose the cane for the punishment based on your experience and physical condition.
I will cane you as you wish but I prefer to have total say. You may ask for the caning to be in sets of 6 strokes and you may count if I order you to.

The Canes
I have a wide selection of canes, crook handled school canes, straight canes, smoked Dragons and a sjambok for those wanting a severe test. Birching is another option but this will require extra notice and a larger tribute.
Remember that I do not believe in ‘safe words’, once punishment commences I expect you to see it through.
The Aftermath
If necessary I will see to any severe lacerations then I will unstrap you. I expect you to be honest in your appreciation for my dedicated professional service.

Book a Hard/Judicial Caning
Once you understand the above and you have committed to your punishment contact me. I may ask for a deposit then we can arrange the details of your punishment.
Miss K Stinger
Hard Caning Mistress