I am a London Mistress, that is a dominatrix who specialises in corporal punishment for those who delight in a perfectly delivered thrashing. I am a German Mistress living and operating from my discrete chambers in north London, Barnet EN4. In this post I will cover my BDSM and CP services for those in or visiting London.

Masochists and Fetishists are Welcome
I delight in many BDSM activities and deliver exactly to your masochistic desires and fantasies. I adore providing the detail of a person’s fetish, whether it is a Cuban heel stocking, a rubber body suit, high-heeled boots, the scent of a woman or pulling a sissy’s panties down. You know, a quick tug to expose his ‘girl’ bottom, ready for my hard hand or one of my thicker canes. You may worship my legs, only when I decide and only to the height I specify.
What is your fetish?
How many strokes of the cane can you take?
Have you ever had your balls clamped?
Been put across Auntie’s knee?
What exactly do you desire?
Agreeable Perfectionist Mistress
I will access your fantasy. You will tell me two to three details that turn you on the most. It could be as simple as using your name, your sissy name slaps to the back of the legs or me wearing that short leather skirt – holding and bending an extra swishy cane.

Long Term Respect
You will respect me, my chambers and my orders. You will be polite and clean. Then you will have the starting point of your dream journey. That fantasy you’ve always wanted to carry out. A thorough pegging? Nipples clamped with a heavy chain swinging, buttocks scorched by multiple cane strokes. An angry boss putting you across her knee for a bare-bottom spanking? Perhaps even taking you back to school? Trousers and pants around your ankles I work you over, hand, plimsol, cane and strap come into play. Then ‘corner time for you young man.’
London Mistress for CP
I take great pleasure in the use of the cane. Have you ever had multiple strokes delivered a split second apart, many, many strokes? The surprise of the extras. Yes. You will be getting extras. That is my pleasure.
Is that what you require? Reporting for punishment to a dominant, statuesque German Mistress? Then you will strip. Place yourself across my expensive customised bench and prepare for the multitude and different types of pain.

If you are new to Corporal Punishment, we will build up gradually. Be careful what you ask for:
Hand Spanking: do take in the fact that I am respected as the hardest hand-spanker in London.
Slipper or Plimsol Spanking: can be devilish and go right through you.
Hairbrush: This is a deep-impact play indeed.
The Leather Paddle: This will sting and cover a large area.
The Wood Paddle: the pain will go deep and you can expect bruising.
Floggers: a delightful sensation when used on your back. Comes in a variety of materials
The Martinet: A French invention, multiple leather thongs sting all over.
Tawse: Good old Scotland. The common Lochgelly Tawse, two split into two. Comes in a variety of ‘tails’ and weights. Will cover your whole bottom in heat.
Dragon Tail Whip: Thin and rather excruciating.
Dressage Whip: Even thinner and feels like a cut.
Prison Straps: Heavy-weight Canadian Straps will cost you. They take away your breath.
Carpet Beaters: Surprising in the pain and sound. Not to be underestimated and I just love using domestic implements.
Wooden Spoon: Which hurts most. The convex side or the concave? You decide.
Canes: such variety, from Dragon canes, made from peeled Rattan, come in a variety of thicknesses, from school to judicial. I also have a selection of crook-handled swishy school canes. You may experience my favourite… multiple times if you are obedient.
Birch: Something different. This will need a long notice as they are made individually and their use involves an extra fee.
BDSM Hygiene
The submission of the bench where you will squirm. I keep an ultra-clean space; my toys are sterilised and everything is cleaned immediately after a session and sometimes during. MAKE SURE you are perfectly clean.
BDSM Extras
Read the Mistress FAQs for what I DO NOT offer.
I do offer:
Anal Play
Water Sports
Candle Play
Nipple Torture
And more.
Role Play Offer
I have an extensive wardrobe including a variety of boots and high heel shoes. This is an idea of what you can ask for and expect:
Suspender Belt and Stockings for Secretary, Manageress
Auntie/Mother/Relative, conservative dress or suit
School Girl and Head Mistress School (white or navy blue school knickers)
Secretary – Boss in a crisp two-piece suit and blouse.
Medical - Nurse or doctor
Military - Prison warden uniform
Miss K Stinger
London Mistress